En rouge, on pourra reconnaitre l'interviewer : Keenan.
Tandis qu'en vert,
on pourra reconnaitre André Parker.
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l'interview ce qui consiste en des sorte de petites musiques pour faire une
petite pause!
Vous pourrez trouvez en rose une traduction des moments
Andrea Parker on the Keenan Ivory Wayans Show
Keenan: And welcome to the show,. Congratulations on your show and the character you play. (loud applause)
Keenan: She's a very intense lady.
Andrea: Yeah.
Keenan: Now, tell us a little about the show for folks who haven't seen it.
Andrea: Well, I get to play the bad-ass, which is liberating to say the least. the Centre, that has crea- ted Jarod, who is a Pretender and he goes out every
Andrea: There is a nefarious corporation called the Centre, that has created Jarod, who is a Pretender and he goes out every week and tries to.. uh.. he's there for every victim and they have retribution at every show and I'm there to catch him and bring him home, at all cost.
Andrea: I think all of us live vicariously through her a little bit, and uh.. I was at a party about a year ago, at my best friend's home. She's giving a shower, so I'm obivously very comfortable and I know people there - and I had a large floppy hat on at the time, which I guess was keeping me a little incognito, so to speak. So I'm in a conversation with this woman I had just met, and we were talking for 10 to 15 minutes, just chitchatting. Things are lovely and a couple of friends came over. Andrea has a show going and we started talking about the show, and this woman says "Oh, you're an actor, you're on a show?". Yeah, it's called the Pretender and it's on NBC. And she says "Oh no, I watch the Pretender, who are you?" And I said "well, I play miss Parker" and she looked at me and she looked me up and down and says, "Oh my God! - I can't stand you!", and she refused to speak to me for the rest of the night!
( Pour ceux qui ne comprenne pas , Andréa raconte qu'elle était à une soirée et qu'elle discutait , cachée sous son grand chapeau, avec une autre invitée très aimable !!Quand soudain un couple d'amis d'Andréa est arrivé et ils se sont tous mis à parler de la série Le Caméléon ; c'est alors que la femme avec qui elle discutait depuis plus de 15 minutes lui dit : "Mais vous êtes une actrice ? Vous jouez dans une série ? "Alors Andréa lui répond : " Oui ca s'appelle Le Caméléon et c'est sur NBC" La femme réplique " Oh non je regarde Le Caméléon, qui êtes vous ? " Andréa de répondre : " Mais je joue Miss Parker " et la femme c'est mise à la regarder de haut en bas et a dit : " Oh mon Dieu! Je ne veux plus rester avec vous ! " et elle a refusée de parler à Andréa durant toute la soirée !)
(loud applause and laughter)
Keenan: Isn't that funny how people just lapse over from reality into fantasyland, just like that.
Keenan: Now, what a lot of people don't know about you, is that you started out as dancer and..
( Qu'est-ce que les gens ne savent pas sur vous, c'est que vous avez débutez comme danseuse...)
Andrea: Many years..
Keenan: Many years ago. Do you guys remember Arsenio's. He, he did a show called Dance Machine, right, wasn't it Dance Machine? Or something like that. Party Machine, you all remember Party Machine. The silhouette girl?
( Il y a très longtemps. Vous vous souvenez d'Arsenio. Il faisait un show appelé Dance Machine, c'est ca, c'était bien Dance Machine ? Ou quelque chose comme ca . Party Machine, vous vous souvenez de Party Machine. La silhouette girl?)
Andrea: No, no, no that was my girlfriend Jenine. I was the silhouette girl on his show.
( Andréa qui essaye toujours de nier! : "Non, non, non c'était mon ami Jenine". Puis elle se résigne : "C'était moi la silhouette girl dans le show".)
Keenan: Oh, you were the silhouette girl on the Arsenio Show. Ohhh.... Right. So that's who that bootie belonged to. Okay. Okay. (oohhhh..)
Andrea: Yeah, you gave me up. Nobody knows... that, that was actually half the fun of doing that. To be so risque and nasty and nobody knew it was me.
(" Bon j'abandonne. Personne se sait...que c'était actuellement à moitié de la plaisenterie de faire ça. C'était très risqué et désagréable et personne ne savait que c'était moi.)
Keenan: Now, have you ever done that kind of dancing before?
( N'avez vous jamais fait d'autres sortes de danses avant ? )
Andrea: (in a sexy voice) Maybe in the privacy of my own home. Yeah of course, yeah. Of course, yeah. I've done all kinds of crazy odd jobs. I go danced in New York City actually on Monday nights at a very hot club. There's me in a barbarella number, let's just say, outfit, dancing you know, going on my little platform - next to a stuffed Doberman. (audience cheering) It was the odd jobs, you know, but it but it pays the rent and that's important.
( Andréa d'une voix sexy : " Peut-être dans l'intimité de ma propre maison. Oui bien sûr. Bien sûr, oui. J'ai fait beaucoup de sorte de petits boulots fous. Je vais danser actuellement à New-York City le lundi soi dans un club très chaud.....puis après elle raconte qu'elle dansait avec un Doberman ? et Keenan ne comprend pas trop lui aussi !!!)
Keenan: Okay I understand the club and the gogo-thing, but what was the stuffed dog doing on stage with you?
Andrea: Aesthetics, I don't know. It was uh...
Keenan: You and a stuffed dog, doing a gogo dance.
Andrea: No, no, he was just part of the club. My particular gogo dancing.
Keenan: Oh, okay, I thought he was your dance partner, I uh.. I didn't get it.